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Speedmaster CEO Jason Kencevski Amazon do not play fair


Speedmaster’s CEO, Jason Kencevski gives advice to other Australian retailers on his experience and knowledge on Amazon. Jason Kencevski on Speedmaster’s three pillars philosophy – People, People and Approach. Focusing on these pillars keeps the company ahead of the game, especially to create better experiences for their customers.

Jason Kencevski states “There is no doubt there will be a similar rebound effect in Australia as there was in the USA, which was a gradual but sharp effect, unlike a new brand or company which takes time to gain momentum. In the end, companies and brands must learn to co-exist by finding a strong competitive advantage. I would highly recommend not falling asleep at the wheel and if you look back in the rear view mirror for old answers to new problems then you're obviously not looking forward. At Speedmaster, we put many pillars in place not only to protect our brand but all our resellers of the products. Work out a strategy as we have learnt the hard way – Amazon do not play fair!”

Established in 1994, Amazon is known to be one of the largest online market that revolves around being customer centric. With the big tech player in Australia now, customer expectations are much higher and retailers will need to lift their game.

Sources: Govender, P. 2017, December 13. Power Retail. How Will Amazon Affect Australia? [Online Article]